Bring your dedication, your drive, and your dreams.

在摩特诺玛大学, 你将拥有坚韧和自信,把你所拥有的一切转向改变世界的道路. Here, you will achieve academic excellence and so much more.

Higher education can be a thrilling, empowering, and challenging journey. 欧宝娱乐官网你能胜任这项任务,在摩特诺玛,你不必独自完成. You will be supported in your steps towards becoming a scholar and a servant leader; a friend and a community member; and a master of your craft. 无论你离开摩特诺玛后的旅程如何,你都将不仅仅是一个学生.


Complete the application for your program of interest. 我们鼓励国际学生在开学前至少6个月完成注册流程,以提供足够的处理时间.


You will need to complete the 2023-2024 Financial Responsibility Statement Form 并提交文件,如正式的银行对账单和纳税申报表.

Studying at an American university or seminary can be quite expensive. 一般来说, 如果你不能通过赞助或个人经济资源支付至少80%的费用, it will likely not be possible for you to attend Multnomah University.

If you are not certain of your ability to afford Multnomah, you are still welcome to apply for admission, and we will help you through the process of exploring your options.

一些国家的学校把高中成绩单称为“分数表”或“成绩报告”.“我们指的是你完成的所有课程和成绩的综合清单, provided directly by the institution(s) you attended. 请注意, in order for a transcript to be considered official, it must arrive in the original sealed, confidential envelope or through a secure electronic database. 如果学校或机构直接寄给我们,这是最成功的.

If your degree was completed outside the USA, 你需要有成绩单(s)显示你的学位(s)审查的评估服务. 我们需要收到一个基本的评估,说明你获得了什么类型的学位,你在什么样的机构就读. 我们将接受来自国家证书评估服务协会(NACES)或国际证书评估协会成员的任何企业的评估, 公司. (AICE).

自2021年1月15日起,所有国际学生运动员都必须使用 增加 credential evaluation.

增加 is the NAIA’s international academic credential evaluation service. 他们熟练的学历评估人员为国际学生提供了基本的学历可比性, course-by-course评估, 运动员资格附录, and certified copies of academic records. Best of all, 增加 evaluations will be used for eligibility.

We often recommend the following evaluation services:
Educational Credential Evaluators, 公司.
约瑟夫Silny & 的同事
International Education Research Foundation

摩特诺玛要求国际学生在英语作为外语考试(TEOFL)中取得至少550分的成绩。. This is equivalent to 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT). Multnomah’s school code is 4496. 如果您愿意,您可以代替雅思考试,总分至少为6分.5.


当你被录取并出示足够的资金证明时, Multnomah University will send you a letter of admission and U.S. 公民及移民服务局I-20表格,“资格证书”.“一般来说, 国际学生在注册摩特诺玛之前需要获得F-1学生签证. Before applying for an F-1 visa, you may be required to pay a fee of $200, 被称为“SEVIS费用”,到美国。.S. Department of Homeland Security. 后, 您需要与对您的永久居住地有管辖权的美国领事馆或大使馆预约,并将您的I-20表格交给他们,以便获准进入美国.

欲知更多有关 国际学生表格.

All students are required to have a medical benefit plan. 更多信息请访问 新入学学生 page.

International Student 金融援助

If you need help paying for your education, you’re not alone. 摩特诺玛大学提供奖学金,国际学生可以申请.

了解更多 about our tuition and financial aid for international students.


我们通过了西北大学委员会和神学院协会的认证. 这种宝贵的区别使我们的“圣经大学”模式为求知者提供了一个安全的社区. 了解更多 欧宝娱乐官网的认证.

摩特诺玛是一所跨宗派的基督教学校,欢迎来自不同背景的信徒. 在我们的 教义声明, we outline how important this status is to Multnomah, 我们的学生, and how we prepare our 研究生s for a life of faithful service.

To be as inclusive and accommodating as possible, we do accept limited credits from unaccredited Bible colleges. For more information about this, please contact the 招生 Office.

We have several upcoming dates for visitors and several 访问选项 to fit your specific questions and your schedule. We can also schedule a video call to discuss any questions you may have.

Please refer to our Office of the 注册商’s page for more information or resources.

是的,请到我们的 学生账户团队页面 for more information about payment options.


We are here to help you explore Multnomah and all that it has to offer you. 我们也可以帮助您解决有关录取过程的任何其他问题. 给我们打电话或发短信 (503) 251-6485 或电子邮件

Seminary Prospective Student 大学宣传册


Undergrad Prospective Student 大学宣传册


研究生准学生 大学宣传册

Whether you are continuing here at MU or joining us for the first time, 这本书会让你深入了解MU对于研究生来说是什么样的.