加入许多让摩特诺玛成为他们家的学生,创造将持续一生的回忆. On-campus living offers more than just a place to study and sleep. 体验摩特诺玛紧密的社区,和你最好的朋友住在一起. 与我们的生活团队联系,并找到你需要的支持,以实现个人成长,并与周围的人一起成长.
Living on Campus
When you live on MU’s campus, you are part of a family. 无论是参加你的室友举办的活动,还是和室友一起看电影, you will be making lasting friendships and memories.
Apply for housing
Ready to move in and meet your new MU family? 在这里,你可以找到你需要的表格,并看到我们的要求和在校园里生活的资格声明. Do you still need some convincing? Read about the benefits of living on a college campus.
After submitting the $200 MU Deposit, please complete the New Student Housing Living Arrangement Form.
Please complete the Returning Student Living Arrangement Form.
因为摩特诺玛的高价值的地方在校园社区生活, 所有本科生都必须住在校园里,除非他们符合以下要求,并在学生生活办公室存档了完整和批准的通勤状态. 已婚或与父母同住的学生可以自由住在校外.
The Residence Life & 在下列情况下,住房办公室可能会给予额外的例外情况:
- The student is 22 years old or older (existing Multnomah students, for the 2024-25 academic year only, shall be grandfathered in under the previous standard of 21)
- 学生的父母要求允许学生与在波特兰或附近有固定住所的近亲住在一起
- 医生要求因健康原因住在校外(需要证明文件)
- The student has more than 90 units
- 学生正在参加校外项目、实习或学生教学.
- 宿舍楼和公寓社区是为传统年龄的学生设置的. 居住生活在安排住房安排时考虑年龄和单位. 在大厅和公寓的经历将通过学习和精神成长的结合,为学生带来非凡的生活做好准备.
- 居住生活和住房通过提供全面的课程来促进学生的变革性教育, services and environments fostering student involvement, responsibility and leadership. 摩特诺玛校区不为已婚学生或有家庭的学生提供宿舍或公寓. All residential living areas are based on availability.
- 符合居住条件的23岁以下本科生优先录取.
- 超出这个年龄范围的学生可以向校园居住生活和住房主任申请特别批准, if approved, be housed based on availability.
- 超过最低年龄且目前住在校园里的返校学生可以继续每年申请住房,他们的申请将被重新考虑,等待可用性.
To apply for commuter status, please fill out the following form (please note, if you have already filled out the housing form, this requirement has been fulfilled):
For New Students: Commuter Status Application
For Returning Students: Commuter Status Application
研究普遍得出结论,住在校园里对学生的平均成绩有积极的影响, level of involvement in campus activities, persistence toward a degree, and satisfaction with his or her collegiate experience overall.
Living on campus will help you get connected in the community faster, keep you in close proximity to resources that you need, and expand your educational opportunities.
Learn more about Food Service options on-campus.
Living Arrangement Form
Ready for your next adventure and community? New students and returning students, submit your form today!
Your home away from home.
You’ll be part of a family. Experience what it’s like to live, pray, and grow together. You can live in clean, comfortable housing just a short walk from classrooms, the JCA, and the dining hall. Whether you’re working out in the gym, sipping an Americano at Roger’s Café, or studying in a lounge, you’ll feel right at home. 您距离波特兰市中心也只有几分钟的路程,离山脉也很近, sand dunes, ocean waves, bike trails, and more.
Other Housing Options
我们为参加夏季学期的学生提供资源和替代住房选择, and commuter students.
夏季住房提供给目前住在校园宿舍的单身学生,他们计划在第二年秋天入学并住在校园里. Agreements are for the full summer. 部分夏季住房协议只有在情有可原的情况下才会签订. 根据可用性和夏季清洁时间表,学生可能不得不占用与学年不同的住房空间.
申请-你可以通过你的学校申请暑期住宿 Summer Housing Application.
Deadline – Summer housing applications are due April 15. 迟来的申请受制于有限的可用性和/或第二优先的偏好.
价格-如有任何疑问,可向房屋事务处查询详情(housing@istana911slot.com). The price is for the full summer.
Ambassador Apartments
- 2 Bedroom: $2,950 per student
- 3 Bedroom: $2,725 per student
- 4 Bedroom $2,390 per student
- Double Room: $2,080 per student
Explore your housing options – For your convenience, here are a few links where you may find housing options. Multnomah University has no affiliation with the links provided.
如果你有空房,你想发布广告, please fill out the following form: Submit a Room for Rent Ad
如果您正在寻找校外选择,并希望看到提交的列表,请发送电子邮件 housing@istana911slot.com requesting to do so. 列表有时是有限的,有时可能是不可用的. Please reach out with any questions.
Search for apartments online
Apartment complexes/managers
Get Started
高等教育是一段充满力量和挑战的经历. Your education is a journey, and it all starts here.